Bernhardt Wall – etching from his Lincoln Project – Dedication – AP1524
One of the many parts of “Following Abraham Lincoln”. If ever there was a passion project this was it. And every single page and illustration that belongs to it is exquisite.
When Wall began the Following Abraham Lincoln series in 1931, he intended to produce only 15 volumes. However, “after getting into stride, I found that my hero had done considerable traveling . . . so the volumes grew and piled up.” In the end, Wall produced 85 volumes chronicling the president’s life.
Printed on a 10″ x 12 1/2″ page. Artist’s proof for book.
Etcher. Born in Buffalo, NY on Dec. 30, 1872.
After studying at the Buffalo Art League, Bernhardt Wall began a career in lithography in 1889. He soon became known as the “Postcard King” and designed over 5,000 comic cards. He served in the Spanish American War in Cuba.
About 1915, he decided to make etching his vocation. He then had studios in NYC, Houston (TX), Lime Rock (CT), and Sierra Madre (CA). He died in Sawtelle, CA on Feb. 9, 1956.
As an historian, he specialized in famous people and historical events. He was the illustrator and author of Odyssey of the Etcher of Books, Abraham Lincoln, and Thomas Jefferson. Member: Sierra Madre Art Guild; Chicago Society
Source: Edan Hughes, “Artists in California, 1786-1940”