Authentic circa 1900 Photo Postcard of a pair of Cowboys Playing It Up AP1738
It has everything, the guns drawn, the liquor bottle, marked cards and those big fluffy wooly chaps. Very funny and pretty on point. Classic gag photo. Measures 3 3/8″ x 5 3/8″.
Post Card Era (1901-1907)
New U.S. postal regulations on December 24, 1901 stipulated that the words “Post Card” should be printed at the top of the address side of privately printed cards. Government-issued cards were to be designated as “Postal Cards” (Staff, p. 62). Writing was still not permitted on the address side. In this era, private citizens began to take black and white photographs and have them printed on paper with post card backs. Postcards that are actual photographic replications were first produced around 1900. They may or may not have a white border, or a divided back, or other features of postcards, depending on the paper the photographer used. Many of the real photo postcards being done at the current time are reproductions of earlier historic photos. The easiest way to distinguish a real photo postcard is to look at it under a magnifying glass; it will show smooth transitions from one tone to another.