Granger Pipe Tobacco In-Store Display featuring Champion Trap-Shooter Joe Hiestand AP1850
Measures 23″ x 33 1/4″.
Joe Hiestand of Hillsboro, 0hio, began winning major championships in 1931, and 41 years later, while competing in his first Grand as a veteran, he captured three trophies in the over-65 age group, including the High-Over-All. Joe has been named to 21 Sports Afield All-America men’s trap teams, serving as captain from 1934 through 1936, in 1938 and later in ‘47 and ‘49. Believe us, there’s more…
Hiestand won more Grand American championships than any other person in the 73-year history of the event. He leads North American Clay Target competition with five wins, shares the Doubles Championship top spot with Hall of Famer Mercer Tennille (at four times apiece) and has captured the High-Over-All an unprecedented seven times.
Yes, royalty.
And just for fun, and to give the product equal time, this hilarious review from “Granger is a codger blend that is met with either mild-disappointment to indifference or a loyalty stronger than that of a gambler and their favorite slot machine. Those who love it often call it the greatest of codger blends, a simple 365, 24/7 smoke that will never disappoint, but admittedly never really challenges you too much either. The more indifferent crowd regard it as one of those “smoked it once, smoked it dozen times” type blends in a more negative manner.”