Showing 25–28 of 28 results

Charles Owens Buick Dealer Conventioneers Sketches on Sale

Original price was: $225.00.Current price is: $67.50.
Charles Owens Buick Dealer Conventioneers Sketches Charles Owens was particularly noted for his illustrations in the newspapers of the day

Dorr Hodgson Bothwell: Sketch of Camp Kitchen, Thousand Palms Hot on Sale

Original price was: $754.99.Current price is: $226.50.
Dorr Hodgson Bothwell: Sketch of Camp Kitchen, Thousand Palms Dorr Hodgson Bothwell: Sketch of Camp Kitchen, Thousand Palms, 1941. Unframed.

Dorr Hodgson Bothwell: Sketch of Paris Studio, 1949 on Sale

Original price was: $754.99.Current price is: $226.50.
Dorr Hodgson Bothwell: Sketch of Paris Studio, 1949 Dorr Hodgson Bothwell: Sketch of Paris Studio, 1949, at the Fondation des

Sam Hyde Harris “What A Guy!” on Sale

Original price was: $195.00.Current price is: $58.50.
Sam Hyde Harris “What A Guy!”Sam Hyde Harris sketch for a newspaper. A writer at his desk, about to spin