Art by the Wilkinsons: J Walter Wilkinson & Walter G Wilkinson – The Reward – Color Lithograph c 1940 AP1452
An idyllic and charmingly wholesome image: good horse gets apple from lovely girl while adorable spaniel looks on approvingly. What’s not to love? We read “Art Wilkinsons” on it which is the mark of J Walter Wilkinson and Walter G Wilkinson, a celebrated father son combine of commercial artists and illustrators.
Measures 8″ x 10″, frame is 9 1/8″ x 11″.
J. Walter Wilkinson was born on January 19, 1892, in Pocomoke City on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. The family moved to Baltimore where his father was prominent in the legislature and was, at one time, Chairman of the House in Annapolis.
J. Walter Wilkinson studied art in Italy, worked for an advertising agency in Philadelphia, and, in 1914, married Frances Gandy, the eldest daughter of George S. Gandy of Philadelphia. They had a daughter, Virginia, who, at the age of 16, was the model for the Saturday Evening Post cover of October 29, 1932.
His son, Walter G. Wilkinson, who also became an artist, worked with his father a number of years. They had a unique signature of two figures with a paint brush over their shoulders and an s added to the Wilkinson name.
During the Second World War, as a contribution to the war effort, they produced six paintings which were used to sell war bonds. These paintings were displayed at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History in Washington in 1985 and now rest in their archives.
The Wilkinsons became well known in the Outdoor Advertising field and received top awards in 1950 and 1951.
Walter G. Wilkinson died of cancer in 1971 and J. Walter Wilkinson, after painting a self portrait, died in 1988.