Vintage Apothecary Store Display Poster for Dr Lyna’s Maple=O AP1701
“Makes excellent syrup.” We see no reason to disbelieve them. Not a breakfast item, rather a medical one, a bygone nostrum for what ailed us. The company was based in Cass County, Indiana.
Measures 10 1/4″ x 13″. On card.
Dr. J. B. Lynas, Logansport, IN, (1835-1901) began manufacturing remedies in his home after a successful medical career. The business soon became too large, and in 1874 he established a laboratory at 409 Fourth Street; later he moved to 210 Sixth Street. In 1904 the firm was incorporated under the name Dr. J. B. Lynas & Son [George H.]. In 1906 the company moved to 517 and 519 Market Street. In 1913 there were between 1400 and 1500 employees with the firm. The city directory for 1921-22 located the firm at 521-523 E. Market, as Medicine, Flavoring Extract and Toilet Article Manufacturers. The labels on the Crown Hair Tonic bottles called the company J.B. Lynas & Son, Perfumers.